Virtual Events

9 Reasons To Use A Hybrid Events Platform in 2024

The Eventcube Team
With extensive experience in events and technology, our platform, Eventcube, has powered over 100,000 events across the globe, attended by more than 15 million people. Our expertise ensures every event, whether in-person or virtual, is a standout success. Our goal is simple: to help our clients create and host extraordinary events.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered our approach to events with travel bans, social distancing and outright lockdowns all contributing to the need to rethink how we put on events of any kind.

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered our approach to events with travel bans, social distancing and outright lockdowns all contributing to the need to rethink how we put on events of any kind. Cutting to the chase, when we talk about attending anything right now it's usually a virtual event. As the world slowly returns to some level of normality hybrid & virtual events are starting to become more common practice. So why should you be using a hybrid platform like Eventcube? We created this blog post to round up our top tips for using a hybrid events platform.

After more than a year of the crisis we are now fully aware of the fact online events can not only offer a reasonable alternative to physical events, but bring a whole new set of possibilities to the table. And there's very little chance people will forget about that once the situation improves and we can get back to getting on with the rest of our lives.

We also don't believe that many events that have been forced online will stay online-only as thoughts of the coronavirus begin to fade. We are, after all, a very sociable species. What this means is the decades to come are likely to see hybrid events rise to prominence and by that we mean events that utilise both physical and virtual spaces to deliver something genuinely innovative and new. And that means you need a hybrid event platform that can cut the mustard, so to speak.

Naturally, we believe Eventcube is the best there is, and implore everyone to jump on board. Still not convinced? Here are 9 reasons you should be using a hybrid event platform, now and forever.

Our 9 reasons to use a hybrid events platform are:

  1. Keep up attendance in a post-COVID world
  2. Show you're adaptable as a business
  3. Open up novel event possibilities
  4. Dramatically improve accessibility
  5. Reduce the need for travel
  6. Improve your companies carbon footprint
  7. Hone in on engagement and get better analytics
  8. Open up new revenue opportunities
  9. Grow your brand and reach

1. Keep up attendance in a post-COVID world

Speed networking is one of the most exciting and fastest-growing types of networking events around, and for good reason. It's quick, it's easy and it helps even the shiest of attendees interact with others. It does this by taking the concept of speed dating, and applies it to the events world, with great results.

The entire event is divided into a set number of rounds of 5-10 minutes each, where each attendee is paired with another to introduce themselves, converse, and exchange ideas. After a round finishes, the attendee is paired up with another person. What this does is act as a great ice breaker, giving you enough time to interact with everyone, and expand your professional network. This way, you can better network with them after the event wraps up.

2. Show you're adaptable as a business

Everything from nightclubs to conferences moved online in 2020, and this was possible because the technology is capable of allowing us to create immersive digital spaces and experiences.

Tech is only improving, and with it the quality of those experiences. So when looking to the future virtual events will continue to play a role, although not categorically replacing physical options but complimenting them.

3. Open up novel event possibilities

There is nothing you can do with a physical or virtual event that cannot be done with a hybrid, but there is plenty that hybrid events offer that cannot be done solely in the virtual or physical space. For example, the Austrian Wine Marketing Board hybrid tasting, which brought together connoisseurs, wholesale and retail pros from across the world online and their domestic counterparts, allowing people to place orders direct with suppliers they would otherwise have never known existed, let alone been able to buy from.  

4. Dramatically improve accessibility

As this article on Manchester's digital arts centre, Virtual Factory, shows, when we move events or venues into the digital space we have a good chance of attracting different demographics than may have been interested in a physical iteration. Perhaps communities who previously felt excluded due to prejudices, disabilities or simply their geographical location. Which brings us to our next point...

5. Reduce the need for travel

Travel can be a significant cost factor that both event organisers and attendees need to think carefully about before committing to anything. Hybrid events can reduce both the need for physical infrastructure to be transported and the need for so many people to travel, which is great for affordability (not to mention our green credentials).  

6. Improve your companies carbon footprint

Travel is the only footprint involved in physical events just look at the huge single-use plastic problem the festival sector has to overcome. If some people are attending at home, rather than on-site, there will clearly be far less waste left behind once the event finishes. And yes, we do appreciate that computer servers use an awful lot of power, which contributes to carbon footprints, but this often doesn't come close to the impact of a physical-only event.  

7. Hone in on engagement and get better analytics

Engagement is currency in the 21st Century, and a hybrid event platform like Eventcube can really help you monitor, manage, fine tune and utilise engagement to strengthen your brand.

Want to know more? Read our blog on virtual event tips for further insight into audience engagement.  

8. Open up new revenue opportunities

If you are adding a whole new virtual space to a physical event then it stands to reason you will increase the number of potential sponsorship or partnership opportunities. These opportunities can translate as revenue streams, helping you pull off even better and ever-more spectacular events.  

9.  Grow your brand and reach

Because you are putting one foot into the virtual world there will automatically be way more options for creating digital content to use after the event which can significantly improve overall brand reach if you produce good quality stuff. Meanwhile, if you're running a ticketless or free ticketed hybrid event, the digital audience will actively want to share what's happening in real time to other online places, again meaning your reach has grown.  

Hopping on the growing hybrid events trend, one thing you should keep top-of-mind is if it helps you achieve your goals and complements the type of business event you're planning. There are various ways to make hybrid event work and half of it lies on your event management platform. Find out how you can pull off ticketed virtual and in-person events at every touchpoint here.

Need more hybrid/virtual event advice? Take a read of some related articles below: