Event Marketing & Planning

How to Get Companies to Sponsor Your Event:The Ultimate Guide

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With extensive experience in events and technology, our platform, Eventcube, has powered over 100,000 events across the globe, attended by more than 15 million people. Our expertise ensures every event, whether in-person or virtual, is a standout success. Our goal is simple: to help our clients create and host extraordinary events.

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In this comprehensive guide, we explore proven strategies to attract companies and secure sponsorship for your event. From crafting compelling sponsorship proposals to showcasing mutual benefits, we'll delve into the key steps that will set you on the path to successful sponsor acquisition.

What is an Event Sponsorship?

Imagine this: a company believes in your event enough to invest in it. In return, you can offer them fantastic ways to shine – think product demos, exciting giveaways, and experiences that get event attendees buzzing about their brand. Let's be honest: tight budgets are a constant struggle for event planners. They limit your choices – smaller venues, less impactful event marketing, and no chance of booking that amazing performer everyone wants. But sponsorship can change that, giving you the freedom to dream bigger.

So, how does it work? You use your event as a platform to showcase your sponsors. They might have a booth to sell their latest products, host a raffle with cool prizes, or even set up a photo booth for fun, shareable moments. The goal is simple – get people excited about their brand. The best part? Event sponsorship is a win-win. It can be a steady funding source if done right, so you'll never have to stress about money again.

Benefits of Securing Event Sponsors

Eventcube's industry research reveals that brand sponsorships are a major growth driver in any event. It is also a leading revenue source among conferences and meetings, showing that, tedious as it may be, there is much to gain in getting companies to sponsor your event.

In exchange for their support, event creators offer the event as a platform for companies to promote their products and services. Eventcube knows this from the inside out as we've seen events over the years put their sponsors front and center in various digital assets, including their online ticketing store.

A photo screenshot of an Eventcube ticketing store with a featured banners of event sponsors.

Whether the objective is to enhance your budget, piggyback off of the business's existing audience, or boost your event's credibility–there is a sponsor who will agree to your terms.

Financial elbow-room

Sponsors are basically event fairy godmothers. They bring the magic (financial support and resources) to make your event unforgettable. With their help, you can:

  • Book high-profile speakers and industry experts
  • Throw awesome networking parties
  • Choose venues with all the latest technology and facilities

This freedom to go all-out lets you create a valuable event to confidently charge a premium price for tickets. Win-win!

Prestige in name association

Having a well-known sponsor makes your event look important and reliable. People are likelier to trust and attend an event backed by a respected brand.

Big sponsors often have a large, established audience. By partnering with them, you can tap into this audience and raise awareness about your event (and your organization) to a whole new group of people. Think of it like making friends with the "cool kid" - their popularity rubs off on you! This can lead to more people attending your event now and at future events too.

Plus, there's a psychology trick called the "halo effect." Basically, a great first impression can color people's entire perception of you. By associating yourself with a trusted brand, you create a positive first impression for a new audience. That's a powerful way to break into a new market!

Higher sales

With an event you can pack with exciting activities and then show off to an audience who already trusts you, ticket sales will be the least of your worries.

Types of Event Sponsorship

Event sponsorships come in all shapes and sizes, each offering unique advantages. The best fit for you depends on your event's goals. For instance, a school sports festival might value food sponsors more than media coverage. After all, athletes need energy to compete! On the other hand, a non-profit running a charity event might prioritize securing financial contributions to support their cause.

Financial sponsorship

Financial sponsorship is like getting a lump sum of cash for your event. It's simple and straightforward, but it can be a big request! The upside is that you can decide how to spend the money on your event. This type of sponsorship is particularly useful for covering big upfront costs, like renting lighting or stage equipment.

In-kind contributions

Need stuff but don't want to ask for straight cash? In-kind sponsorships are your friend! Companies might donate products, vouchers, or other goodies instead of money. This is also called an "X-deal," where you trade promotion for their goods or services.

Here's a cool trick: some event organizers sell these donations and keep all the profit to fund the event. It's more work than getting a check, so get started on these sponsorships early (months in advance) to give yourself enough time.

Promotional partnerships

Ever dream of having a celebrity promote your event? Promotional partnerships can make that happen! This is where influencers or famous people give your event a shoutout on their social media or platforms to boost awareness and bring in more people. In return, they might get free tickets or VIP access. !

Here's the key: pick influencers whose audience aligns with your event. Target sports journalists, commentators, or big football fans for a charity football match. For a beauty event, partner with makeup artists to reach beauty enthusiasts. The better the fit, the more effective the promotion will be!

A photo of a camera man with clear skies as the backdrops

Media Sponsorship

Want to get your event in the news? Media sponsorships can do just that! These sponsors are typically TV stations, radio shows, or online publications.

Here's the deal: in exchange for covering your event (think interviews, articles, social media posts), they get free entry for their crew. But it's not just a free ticket for them! Your event becomes their story - a chance to report on what's hot and happening.

You tap into their audience by partnering with media sponsors and supercharge your marketing. They'll promote your event before, during, and after, creating a buzz and getting people excited. This can even lead to pre-sale ticket orders for future events!

Media sponsors make your event look legit and help you reach all your marketing goals.

Title sponsorship

Title sponsorship is the gold standard! It's a big one where you name your event after the sponsor. For instance, a charity race called the Nike Melbourne Marathon Festival. Here, Nike is the title sponsor. The event attracts thousands of charity runners yearly, meaningfully connecting Nike with their customers. In return, the event gets tons of support at every planning and implementation phase.

Food sponsorship

Events are all about the people, including your team! Food sponsorships help keep everyone energized and focused. And this can take many forms:

  • Boxed lunches: Support local chefs trying to break into catering!
  • Energy drinks: Keep the party going with a sponsor who provides a jolt.
  • Snack bars: Fuel everyone with dedicated snack areas.

Like in-kind sponsorships, you can sell donated food and drinks to raise extra cash.

Liquor sponsorship

Liquor sponsorships can be a great way to partner with brands and enhance your event for everyone involved. Liquor brands benefit by partnering with events where their target audience attends. This increases brand recognition and lets them connect with potential customers in a fun setting, potentially leading to more sales.

Events get a boost, too! Liquor sponsors can provide financial support, helping you cover costs. They can also add a fun element to your event experience.

However, there are rules and regulations around liquor sponsorships, so make sure you follow them carefully. It's also important to prioritize responsible drinking at your event.

How to Get Companies to Sponsor Your Event: The Beginner's Guide

A photo of two people shaking hands in agreement on a sponsorship package

One thing––enter this journey with the mindset that companies want something in return. They will sponsor your event if they get a good deal out of it.  Crafting a compelling offer is, therefore, imperative.

Step 1: Establish Clear Marketing Objectives for Your Event Sponsorship

Before you start hunting for sponsors, take a step back and solidify your event's goals. What are you hoping to achieve? Who are you trying to attract? How much brand exposure are you aiming for?

Having a clear picture of your event from the start will help you identify the perfect sponsors. Imagine a vegan cosmetics brand - they'd be more likely to sponsor a local pet show than a financial conference, right? This is because their values align better with a pet event (they might be against animal testing). When your goals match a sponsor's goals, you've got a recipe for success!

Step 2: Research Potential Event Sponsors

Research companies aligned with your event's target audience and brand values. You may also analyze past sponsorships of similar events in your area to identify potential partners. This way, you're not coming in completely cold, and you can be assured that a company has the capacity to collaborate.

Social media is a good place to search and assess event sponsorship opportunities. Check out companies' marketing approach. Determine through content, tone, and user base what brand promotion will benefit them best. Finding sponsors who are a good fit for your event is the key. Companies appreciate working with organizers who take the time to understand their brand through social media sleuthing.

Step 3: Create a Customized Sponsorship Proposal

Forget generic proposals! Your research in Steps 1 and 2 will help you create a proposal that companies will love. Here's why customization is key:

Imagine a proposal perfectly matching a company's marketing goals, target audience, and budget. That's a proposal they'll be eager to accept!

What to Include in Your Proposal:

  • Event Details: Introduce yourself and your event. Explain what you're hoping to achieve and why it matters. Share your story, your cause, or any awards or recognition you've received. This builds trust and shows you're a reputable organizer.
  • Benefits for Sponsors: Highlight what sponsors get by partnering with you. Focus on how your event will give them brand exposure, reach their target audience, and align with their marketing goals. Remember your research here!
  • Exposure Options: Events offer different levels of advertising depending on their size and resources. Think about the exposure you can offer - brand mentions during talks, raffles, booths, logo placements, or even a spot on your event webpage flyer (perfect for virtual events where booths aren't possible).
  • Data. Include compelling data on specific demographics, event ROI projections, and previous successful event collaborations to showcase your event's value. You can also write case studies of sponsors who raised email sign-ups or social media engagement. Paint a picture through numbers to show brands what's possible.

By tailoring your proposal and offering the right exposure options, you'll be well on your way to securing sponsors who are a great fit for your event.

A photo screenshot of an Eventcube event ticketing page with a flyers containing sponsor logos

Step 4: Reach Out to Potential Sponsors with Confidence

Tailor your approach to each sponsor. High-value targets might deserve an in-person meeting, while others can be reached through email. Don't be afraid to ask for introductions from people you know. This gives you a warm intro and avoids the awkward "How'd you get my contact information?" conversation. Just be sure to follow proper business etiquette to maintain trust.

Keep tabs on your leads and conversations. The goal is to get feedback, have productive dialogues, and ultimately secure those sponsorships!

Step 5: Negotiate and Seal the Sponsorship Deal

Ensure all the sponsorship terms are clearly outlined in a written agreement. This avoids any misunderstandings down the line. Emphasize the benefits for both you and the sponsor. Show them the value of the partnership and be willing to compromise to find a sponsorship deal that works for everyone. Remember, sponsors are valuable partners, so treat them like VIPs! Offer sponsors a dedicated communication channel like Viber or WhatsApp. This lets you quickly address their concerns and builds a strong foundation for future collaborations.

How to Craft Irresistible Sponsorship Packages

A photo of sticky notes on a blackboard as brainstorming tools

The key to a successful sponsorship campaign is creating deals that excite companies. They need to see that your value exceeds what they're paying, so just sticking their logo on a poster isn't enough. You need to integrate sponsors' names and services creatively throughout your event.

This is where packages come in. These sponsorship agreements outline the tasks and deliverables expected from you and the sponsor. Building a strong package requires understanding the right audience and the demographics sponsors want to reach.

By tailoring packages to each sponsor's needs and goals, you create a fair exchange. They get brand exposure; you get funding. Sweeten the deal with enticing incentives like logo placement, speaking opportunities, or exclusive networking events. Remember, a well-crafted package benefits everyone. You get your support, and sponsors get valuable opportunities to connect with their target market.

Match services with sponsors' top priorities

The key to attracting sponsors is creating packages that address their top priorities. Think about what matters most to them. For example, is a sponsor launching a new product? They might be looking for a way to test it with their target audience before a big launch. Your event could be the perfect testing ground! Food sponsors could offer samples in high-traffic areas, getting valuable consumer feedback. Focusing on how your event helps them achieve their marketing goals makes sponsorship the most successful.

Create tiered sponsorship packages

Not every company has the same budget. Create options that appeal to a variety of needs. High-rollers might be interested in VIP attendee experiences, while others might value branding opportunities like logo placements or even naming rights.

Don't forget the power of digital! Even low-cost options like advertising on your event website, mobile app, or social media can be valuable to sponsors looking to boost their visibility. These can be great additions to your sponsorship packages.

By understanding sponsor priorities and offering a variety of packages, you'll be well on your way to securing the support you need to make your event a success.

Incentivize top sponsors for continued support

Show sponsors that their contributions never go unnoticed. Apart from your heartfelt thanks, you may also incentivize them with exclusive perks and recognition.

  • Donor Recognition Walls: Many non-profits have a place to recognize sponsors, sometimes with names engraved on plaques. The size of the donation can determine the plaque size, offering a bit of bragging rights.
  • Exclusive Networking Events: Sponsors often value professional connections. Host an exclusive event where they can connect with other supporters and potential partners.
  • Event Segment Naming: Want something more public? Name a segment of your event after a major sponsor. It's like a mini-title sponsorship, giving them valuable name recognition.

By highlighting these tangible benefits, you show sponsors exactly how their support translates to value. The clearer the value proposition, the more likely you are to secure successful partnerships for your event.

Sponsorships based on the type of event

Every event is unique, and so are sponsorship opportunities! This is especially true for virtual and hybrid events, which are becoming increasingly popular. Event planners are getting creative with ways to involve sponsors in the digital world.

The good news? This means endless sponsorship possibilities! The key is understanding what kind of promotions will work best for your specific event and target audience.

Here's how some events are doing sponsorships these days: let's look and see what inspires you!

Festival Sponsorship

Festivals are all about fun and freedom, which means sponsorships can get creative too! Fewer restrictions open the door for unique collaborations.

Think about the needs of festival-goers. Water companies, soda brands, and refreshment companies are natural fits for festivals held outdoors in warm weather. Handheld fan and sunglasses companies can also jump on board. See the pattern? By meeting attendees' needs, sponsors get a double win: sales and free promotion at your event!

Conference Sponsorship

Conferences are all business, so sponsorships should follow suit. Think professional and target companies that cater to that environment. Stationery brands, merchandise companies, and tech product sponsorships like subscriptions, free trials, or discounts on corporate tools are all great options.

The beauty of these sponsorships is their flexibility - they work for in-person, virtual, and hybrid events! Here's a tip: think about the tools, products, and services your organization uses the most. These companies might be perfect sponsors! In your pitch, highlight that you're already a fan and user of their products, then showcase a compelling offer to make it a win-win.

A photo of sponsors and event attendees during a corporate conference lunch break

Sports Club Sponsorship

Sports clubs offer sponsors a variety of ways to get involved. Classic options include logo placements on jerseys and equipment or exclusive seating during games. Think about those head-to-toe branded uniforms athletes wear. Those are often sponsor shoutouts!

The better your club performs, the more exposure your sponsors get. If you have strong stats to back it up, use them in your sponsorship pitch! Sponsors can secure VIP treatment, even if not on jerseys, through front-row seats, priority parking, or special entrances. It's all about making sponsors feel like true VIPs.

Concert Sponsorship

Concert sponsorships come in all shapes and sizes! Food stalls to satisfy hungry concert-goers, interactive activities, and eye-catching booths are all common ways sponsors get involved. Partnering with concert organizers lets sponsors connect with music fans and leverage the exciting atmosphere to create truly memorable experiences.

Communication Strategies for Success

Building strong relationships with sponsors is key to securing their continued support. Regular updates and open communication throughout the planning process foster trust and lay the groundwork for long-term partnerships. Following the event, send sponsors detailed data showcasing their impact. This could include attendance numbers, attendee feedback, media coverage (if any), or fundraising totals (for non-profit events).

By highlighting the positive results achieved through their sponsorship, you demonstrate the value they bring to your event. Expressing your gratitude through a timely thank you shows appreciation and sets the stage for future collaborations. Even social media shoutouts recognize sponsors after the event, extend their reach beyond the event day, and further solidify the positive partnership. A well-crafted communication strategy ensures sponsor satisfaction and increases the likelihood of their continued support for your upcoming events.

Regular communication with sponsors

Building strong bonds with sponsors is an ongoing process. Regular communication keeps you at the forefront of their minds. Monthly or quarterly emails are a good option, but ensure the content is valuable and interesting to them. Consider social media updates highlighting sponsors' contributions if emails seem too frequent. Think about creating content that sponsors would want to share on their channels. Explore different formats like videos, photos, or infographics to keep things engaging. Remember, successful sponsor relationships require consistent planning and effort on your part.

Thank-you notes post-event

Show your sponsors how much you value their partnership! Send personalized thank-you notes expressing your gratitude for their support. This is a great opportunity to request feedback on the event, helping you improve future collaborations and strengthen ties. You can also mention upcoming events that might fit them well.

Here are some additional ways to show your appreciation:

  • Offer sponsors an exclusive discount on tickets to your next event.
  • Give them priority status if they offer services or products relevant to your events.
  • Connect them with other event planners in your network, opening doors to new business opportunities.

By taking these steps, you'll build strong, lasting relationships with your sponsors, making securing their support for future events easier.

A photo of a thank you note for a a special guest

Reporting back with impactful data

Don't forget the power of data! Show sponsors the value of their investment by reporting back with impactful information. Use event data analytics and surveys to gather details like attendee demographics, engagement levels, and return on investment (ROI) indicators. Compile these insights into comprehensive reports that showcase the tangible benefits sponsors received. By presenting concrete results and outcomes, you demonstrate their support's positive impact on the event's success. This strengthens existing partnerships and lays the groundwork for attracting future sponsors who see the value in collaborating with your events.

Leveraging Technology for Sponsorship Success

Technology can be your secret weapon for sponsorship success! Social media, event websites, and mobile apps are powerful tools for connecting with potential sponsors. They allow real-time updates, targeted marketing messages, and personalized interactions tailored to each sponsor's needs. These tools also streamline the sponsorship process for you, making tracking sponsor return on investment (ROI) easier and showcasing the value of partnerships through data analysis. You can ensure a successful and impactful sponsorship strategy by simplifying sponsor interactions and boosting brand visibility through technology.

Digital tools to connect with sponsors

Virtual events might lack the face-to-face interaction of in-person gatherings, but technology bridges the gap for sponsors. Virtual trade shows and digital booths act as online meeting rooms attendees can enter. Sponsors can showcase their products, offer freebies, and collect leads like a real-life exhibition. These digital spaces add excitement and engagement to virtual events, assuring sponsors that the online format can be as rewarding as in-person experiences.

A photo of a computer screen with marketing statistics

Social media as a sponsor attraction tool

Don't underestimate the power of social media to attract sponsors! It's not just about random posts. Build a strong, loyal community of followers first. Engaging content, videos, and event highlights are all great ways to do this. Once you have a platform with a loyal audience, it becomes valuable real estate for promoting your sponsors. After all, a key goal of sponsorships is to connect brands with a new, interested audience. So, a large and engaged following makes you a more attractive partner in the eyes of potential sponsors. Remember, social media success takes time and consistency, so be patient and keep creating great content!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Make My Event More Attractive to Sponsors?

Bigger is better! Attract sponsors by projecting a large attendee count – the more people who see your event, the more exposure for sponsors. Unique branding opportunities are also a draw. Think beyond logos on t-shirts. Offer interactive experiences where attendees can engage directly with sponsor products or services. Finally, don't forget the power of data! Provide sponsors with data-driven insights on the return on investment (ROI) they can expect from sponsoring your event. By tailoring sponsorship packages to meet their specific needs and showcasing the potential benefits, you'll be well on your way to securing valuable partnerships.

Make your event attractive through a large projected attendee count or unique branding opportunities. Offer spaces where companies can engage attendees through interactive experiences and provide data-driven insights on ROI. Tailoring sponsorship packages to meet their specific needs is also key.

What Are the Red Flags to Look Out for in Potential Sponsors?

Finding sponsors whose values align with your event is crucial. A mismatch can damage your reputation. Watch for red flags like lack of interest, unrealistic demands, or poor communication. Inconsistent branding, a bad reputation, or an unwillingness to commit are also warning signs. By carefully vetting potential sponsors upfront, you can avoid future issues and build a strong foundation for a successful partnership.

How Do I Measure the ROI of Event Sponsorship?

Track key metrics to measure a sponsor's return on investment (ROI). Look at increased ticket sales, brand visibility, social media engagement, and the number of leads generated. Compare these figures to the sponsorship cost to see how successful the partnership was for the sponsor. Surveys and feedback from attendees can also be helpful, giving insights into how attendees perceived the sponsor and the overall impact of the sponsorship on the event. This well-rounded data will show sponsors the value they received from their investment.

Can Small Events Attract Big Sponsors?

Don't be discouraged if your event is on the smaller side! Big sponsors can still be interested. By getting creative, you can offer unique branding opportunities and personalized experiences that appeal to them. Targeted marketing that highlights the value you bring will help, too.

Event Sponsorship Guide Highlights

Event sponsorships are mutually beneficial business arrangements! Here's a quick rundown of what you need to know:

  • Benefits for You: Increased budget, boosted prestige, wider reach for your event.
  • Key to Success: Understand your target audience and how your event benefits sponsors.
  • Types of Sponsorships: Financial support, in-kind contributions (products/services), promotional partnerships, media, food, and liquor sponsorship.
  • Clear Event Goals & Proposals: Define your event's objectives and create customized proposals highlighting benefits for sponsors.
  • Irresistible Packages: Match services to sponsor needs and offer tiered packages for various budgets.
  • Communication is Key: Stay in touch with sponsors! Regular updates, thank you notes and impact reports are all essential.


Event sponsorships can be a game-changer for your event! Sponsors provide financial support, boosting your budget and allowing you to create a more impactful experience. Partnering with reputable companies also adds credibility and prestige to your event.

This guide offers a roadmap for securing valuable sponsorships. The key is understanding your target audience – who are you trying to reach? Once you know that, you can tailor a compelling message showcasing how your event benefits potential sponsors directly. Companies can support your event in various ways: financial sponsorships provide a direct cash injection, in-kind sponsorships offer products or services relevant to your event, and promotional sponsorships allow companies to leverage your event for marketing and brand awareness.

The next steps involve crafting a winning strategy. Define your event's goals clearly and create customized proposals that highlight the specific benefits each sponsor receives. Don't forget to consider their needs – irresistible sponsorship packages match sponsor priorities and offer tiered options for different budgets.

Building strong relationships is key to long-term success. Maintain regular communication with sponsors throughout the process, keeping them updated on event progress. After the event, they express gratitude and demonstrate the value of their investment by sharing reports on event outcomes, highlights, and overall impact. By following these steps and showing sponsors their worthwhile investment, you'll be well on your way to securing valuable partnerships that elevate your event.

Stay tuned for our next blog post to explore more event planning and sponsorship ideas to take your event to the next level!

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